Thursday, November 29, 2007

rad ass slippers!!!

so life's not so shitty! think positively! today i was surfing and found the raddest slipper pattern ever!
okay, truth be told, it's the only knit slipper pattern I've ever seen, being quite an inexperienced knitter of only four years or so, most of which i wasn't actually knitting at all for...

but hey, who cares, maybe it's time to take on some real challenges and learn how to read patterns!

i mean, look at these fucking slippers!!!

damn i wish i could make those.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

oh, the life

after halloween i just cant wait for the end of the holidays, and they haven't even started yet.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

now that's out of the way

here's this:

with the impending holidays at hand and me just past my 28th year of life on this planet, anticipating one another horrid season, i find myself contemplating existance. but it's pointless.
i might as well just stick around to see what happens next, out of boredom and curiosity.

newest song

need a place to write, here it goes:

monday was a good practice, we wrote a song, music, not lyrics... here's the ideas i came up with for lyrics:

In pursuit of perfection, we gave birth to death

A future forsaken, abandoned by principle

Believe in a light at the end of the tunnel,
(Lies, betrayal, deception)
Hoping for a world after our self-destruction,

Belief in a lie